Addis Abeba, Wukro
Cultivation & Livestock Breeding
SELAM Wukro manages 11 hectares of arable land and a dairy farm. In collaboration with CultivAid, a demonstration area has been created from which farmers from the region and agricultural students benefit from knowledge.
SELAM Addis Ababa is also working with CultivAid on a competence center, but with a focus on urban agriculture. In addition, they manage an agricultural area of 7 hectares and run dairy and poultry farms, as well as growing arable crops, vegetables and grain.
The harvest is mainly used to feed the children. The remaining produce is sold to the local population or used in the SELAM restaurant (Addis Ababa). In this way, agriculture contributes to part of the self-financing.
11ha agricultural land at SELAM Wukro
7ha agricultural land at SELAM Addis Ababa
(Stand 2023)