You can donate to SELAM online, by wire transfer or via payment slip. We are ZEWO-certified and can guarantee that your donation will be used where it is needed. We've summarised the most efficient ways to donate here.
Your donation will be used where it is most needed. If you want to allocate the donation to a specific purpose, you can choose from different categories.
Three of our community support projects can be supported directly via their project pages:
Wire transfer
All the details for a wire transfer can be found here:
Verein Kinderheim Selam, Pfungen Switzerland
IBAN: CH88 0900 0000 8400 9325 2
Account No.: 84-9325-2
Zürcher Kantonalbank
Verein Kinderheim Selam, Pfungen Switzerland
CH46 0070 0115 3003 1190 4
Account No.: 80-151-4
Tax exemption
SELAM has been tax-exempt in all Swiss cantons since 2007. Donations to our charity are thus tax-exempt.
We send donation certificates for donations of CHF 100 or more in February of the upcoming year. We issue donation certificates on request for donations of less than CHF 100.
Donations via payment slip
You can order a paying slip from our administration office. Please be aware that starting from October 1st 2022 only QR payment slips are accepted. Do not hesitate to call us ( +41 52 315 32 70 ) or write to us ( ) if you need more information about it.
How can I donate efficiently?
The lowest transaction costs occur for e-banking donations. We pay over 30% higher transaction and bank charges for over-the-counter deposits than we used to in the past, as this is considered an extra service. This is money that we cannot use for our SELAM programs in Ethiopia. Our online payment providers TWINT, credit cards and Apple Pay charge between 1.3% (TWINT) and 4.1% (VISA/Mastercard payment from outside Europe).
Regular donations via e-banking are particularly valuable to us. The long-term commitment reduces our administrative costs considerably and we can use an even greater proportion of your donation for the SELAM programs in Ethiopia.