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Community Support

Supporting the local population with medical care and funding projects has been part of SELAM since the beginning. We operate a low-cost outpatient and dental clinic for patients from the surrounding area. In addition, we are involved in several projects to promote women and award scholarships.

Outpatient and dental clinic

The SELAM clinic was established in 1988 with the financial support of the Swiss Confederation. SELAM's children and young people, trainees at the SELAM vocational training centres, SELAM employees and locals alike receive preventive care and medical treatment here. The clinic is managed by a doctor and has its own laboratory, pharmacy, X-ray machine, ultrasound machine and a dental treatment room. The clinic also provides advisory services to pregnant women and young mothers, as well as tuberculosis therapies.

The team from SELAM Germany is particularly involved in the dental clinic.


Empowering women

We noticed that many young women were absent from school at monthly intervals due to having their period, which is why SELAM introduced a Hygiene Project.. In order to help young mothers return to work, SELAM provides a day-care center offer , as well as courses and micro-credit groups.  There has also been a handicraft workshop for older single women (“widow project”) for a long time. The women here create beautiful baskets of all shapes and sizes. These products can be purchased in our online shop.

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Financial support

Many families outside the SELAM children's villages cannot afford the school fees. SELAM identifies these families and provides the children with a scholarship, which also includes school supplies, a school uniform and a free meal. There are also many children whose parents are able to pay the school fees but cannot always provide their children with lunch. Without any lunch, the children often struggle to concentrate or leave school early in order to beg or, in emergencies, steal. To counteract this, SELAM has set up the Lunch Project.

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